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Hello everyone and Happy New Year! As I look back at 2021 I just have to give thanks to God. He never stopped providing, guiding, teaching, loving and being who He says He is. I’m so grateful for this last year and I’m so excited for this next year. I believe this year of 2022 will be a year of “refining.” God is just getting started with me and I’m so grateful that there is even more of Him. 


My time in Costa Rica was a blessing. The squad treated me like one of there own and that doesn’t always happen. Sometimes I really have to earn a spot on the squad. But Gap I loved me so well and allowed me to speak truth and love into there lives from day one. As far as ministry goes, many days were spent painting light post on the main street in Jaco. Through that we connected with the locals. I got to share the gospel and pray for many people who would walk by. Here is a story of one of those days.

I was walking back to the base and a man approached me and asked if I wanted any drugs. I told him no thanks and took a couple of steps past him. Then I thought, “wait a minute, this guy needs Jesus, I’m gonna tell him.” So I stopped and asked him, “hey you need anything? Because I got something you need.” He immediately thought I had some kind of drug or drink he wanted. He stepped in closer and asked what I had. So I told him, “You need Jesus.” He looked up at me, this time not with the desire to sell me anything shady but with a look of desperation and pain. He said, “how did you know? I need Him so badly right now.” He started to cry and share about his life. How he was doing his best to stay clean and off the streets, that he has a daughter and a wife back home. That he relapsed last night and just wanted to go home to his family and forgot who God says he was. I was able to remind him of the truth, remind him that there is hope in Jesus and that with God’s help he could walk away from addiction. He cried some more, we prayed together, he told me he loved me, he picked up his things and headed towards the bus to go home. I love that guy, I’m blessed and honored that God would use my past life of drug and alcohol abuse to speak to this new friend in a way he understood. 



Then Jesus said to them, “Follow Me, and I will make you become fishers of men.”
Mark 1:17

Often I see people simply walk away from the dark and ugly parts of this world. We tend to simply walk away from those that truly need help. If we consistently avoid those stuck in darkness, who is gonna point them to Jesus? If not us than who? If not now then when? We are fishers of men, we must get out there and fish! Use whatever bait God’s given you. Each of us can catch certain people. Our stories attract certain people. I am blessed that I live most of my life in sin and darkness. I know what it looks like and sounds like, I know how to talk to people stuck in it. We all have a story, I’m sure that person who is homeless or addicted has much more in common with us than we think. Let’s start this year living intentionally. Let’s start with our family and friends, our co-workers and neighbors. Let’s live life with impact for His Kingdom. Let’s all go fishing 😉

Thank you guy’s! I’m praying for you, please pray for my travels and my squad Gap I. I’ll be in Georgia for this month then hopefully head to the East coast to visit believer’s and different churches. And I want to leave you with a couple of sweet videos. ↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓


A couple of women from Gap I made these videos on the day we had baptisms. 22 were baptized in the Pacific ocean! That alone is worth giving shouts and praises to God! 





6 responses to “Fishing in Costa Rica”

  1. Love this! Yes, we need go fishing with the bait that God gave us! Your stories inspire me to evangelize right where I am planted! May God continue to use you!

  2. Luis, Thanks for sharing; your story and the videos bring me to tears! How refreshing to see a generation of young people declaring their faith, going “all in” with Jesus, living their lives with abandon for Kingdom purposes.

    We thoroughly enjoyed having Nick and so many others from Gap C here last week and hope your travels the next few months will bring you through Knoxville! I’m walking into the next week looking for those around me to whom I can offer my bait!

  3. Thank you so much! Your words are really encouraging. May the Lord use you mightily right where He has you.

  4. Thanks Katie! I am blessed to be a part of what God is doing. Gap I has been incredible and I’m excited for what God will continue to do in there hearts and lives.

    Hopefully I can make it to Knoxville this year, I would love you see you guys!

  5. Hey Luis,

    “Who comforts and encourages us in every trouble so that we will be able to comfort and encourage those who are in any kind of trouble, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God.” 2 Corinthians 1:-4 amplified

    Thank you for the personal testimony of how God uses all of our experiences to comfort others.

    I’m so grateful for your example. Taking advantage of the moment. Obeying the Spirits nudge to stop and turn back to reach that hurting soul. Your encounter with this man brought to mind a similar story in the book of Acts.

    One day following Pentecost, the Jewish rulers, elders, and teachers of the law witnessed Peter and John healing a lame beggar at the Beautiful Gate of the temple (Acts 3:1–11). As the apostles entered the courtyard, the disabled man asked them for money. Peter answered, “Silver or gold I do not have, but what I do have I give you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk” (Acts 3:6). At Peter’s command, the man instantly rose to his feet and began walking, leaping, and praising God in the temple courts (Acts 3:7–8).

    I can imagine this man and his family walking, leaping, and praising God!

    You make it look possible for others to follow the examples penned for us in scripture and your example today. Simple obedience to the Father’s instruction, stepped out in faith, empowered by the Holy Stop, made it possible for you to turn, speak, listen, pray, encourage, a stranger, and he heard the encouraging words, he turned away from drugs to Jesus. There is no other name by which man can be saved.

    “God has given no other name under heaven by which we must be saved” (Acts 4:12, NLT).

    Your example is so inspiring!

    What a joy filled day! I love the giggles, screams of delight, the song selected, and those precious faces. Beautiful!

    – Kathleen
    Shelton, WA

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