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Hello family and friends. Glory to God for today is amazing!

It’s been a couple of weeks here in Battambang Cambodia. I love it here, my squad is great, my team is a blessing. I’ll be trying to figure out how to send you guys some videos ans pictures soon. Thank you for being patient. This is a summary of one of my rest days enjoy. 

Yesterday was a rest day. After spending my morning learning more about God through scripture, my team mate and I went to the market to buy breakfast for our squad of 55. We found a woman who would make us these bread things that looked like little pillows. We ordered 100 of them and she was so happy to make that much for her business. After the bread, we picked up 5 kilos of bananas and 4 kilos of oranges. Grabbed some condensed milk and headed home. That was our breakfast πŸ™‚ After breakfast I read a little of Everybody Always by Bob Goff. In the book Bob talked about how we are called to love our neighbors. That the entire world was just one big neighborhood. I love that thought, that this world and everyone in it is our neighbor. The second greatest commandment is love your neighbor. God is always teaching me knew ways to love my neighbor. After reading it was lunch time. For lunch we had fried rice and spring rolls. I loved it! Many people miss hamburgers and pizza when they leave home. But I grew up on fried rice, and spring rolls were always a special occasion. After lunch a few us went to play some volleyball on a grass field not far from our home. We played a few games and were having a great time. Then the rain came. I’m currently in Battambang Cambodia so when it rains it rains hard. I had been using my phone to play music. Once the rain came we stopped playing volleyball and started dancing! It was so much fun. But my phone got wet and shut down while it was in my pocket inside a plastic bag. It was a bummer because I was using my phone to take pictures and connect back home with family and friends. Something that I really wanted to be better at. I also used it to play worship music, write blogs, take notes and connect with my squad leadership.

I woke up the next morning and wanted to listen to worship music by using my phone. Then I remembered it didnt work. I remembered all the notes and dates I had about family and friends. But they were all gone. But God reminded me that it doesn’t matter if I have a phone to play music or take notes or connect back home. He reminded me that He is sufficient. I need to only look up at my awesome loving heavenly Father for anything and everything. So it’s gonna be a little different connecting with family and friends back home. I’ll just have to figure out a different way. And God will provide because it’s just His nature, He always does and He always has.

My friends let God provide for you in all things big and small. Because He just loves us and wants to be in everything we do πŸ™‚

 I’m around $3,500 away from meeting my financial deadline in December. I know God will use many people to keep me out here loving those in front of me. Please join me in this mission. With your help I’ll be able to continue reaching the unreached, loving the broken hearted and bringing people to freedom. Thank you all so much! I love you God bless you.

4 responses to “Resting to dancing to losing to finding.”

  1. Loce you Luis! You are such a blessing to our squad. We are looking forward to seeing you.

  2. Good times for you in Cambodia with them spring rolls! Mmm-mm!! And, what is this condensed milk thing all about?? In any case, I am glad that you danced and that God replenished your loss as he will continue doing in all of your shortcomings, Hallelujah!! πŸ™‚ You are awesome, and I am pleased to read more about your adventures as you take time to update us!! Thanks for mentioning your morning in the word also, we all need that encouragement to start the day off right! Have a great time with your new phone that should be there any minute now, but don’t dance with it in a plastic bag in the rain brother. Remember, brotherly love covers a multitude of sin! So keep loving!! Jesus, you are the king. Thank you for going above and beyond for us!!!! Amen I love you Lu!

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