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Hey guys! I just got back from Ecuador the other day. My time there was great I really got to love on and pour into the men of Gap A. They are so awesome and I left very encouraged by them. Today I want to share a story with you about my home church in Yucaipa CA. My sister told me this story and I asked her to write it out for me to share with all of you. Her story really encouraged me to listen and obey. And that the Lord is always wanting to provide for us in every situation. I hope you enjoy. 

PS. If you have a story you would like me to share please email me @ [email protected]. I would love to share it.


A story from Frances Lam

After church service on Sunday Jan 26th I was approached by Francisco a new church goer but old acquaintance at the back of the church where we fellowship with coffee and donuts. He asked me if I could help him find a motorized scooter for a friend in Mexico who had the polio virus and now a hard time wheeling her wheelchair on the dirt streets of her small town. He said that since I know many people in the church I could likely find one, he suggested perhaps I know someone who is passed on that left one behind. I immediately thought, no I dont know anyone, maybe I should pass the message on to my pastor who might know someone so I told him that I would surely seek council on who to ask but Francisco proceeded to repeat the story about his friend and that he’s known her since she was five years old and that she is in Mexico but he has transportation all set up to deliver the scooter if I could just ask around and see who might know someone. I repeated that I’d have to think and get back to him on who would be the best person to help me since I knew no one who had a chair like this. But Francisco tells me for a third time that this gal, well, she’s having a really hard time and that I could help him since he is new to the body and doesn’t quite know people, when suddenly I realize that he was asking me to help him because I really could help!!! Right at that moment I replayed the fresh memory of what the Lord did for me that very morning before church and how he answered my prayer; I was feeling a cold coming on while having coffee at the table at home so I prayed and asked the Lord humbly to heal me and right away I felt the bug leave me and I felt great beyond that moment. So as I remembered this, I was shocked that I did not care enough to answer Francisco’s petition knowing that the Lord listens, answers prayers and had just answered mine that morning. So I tell Francisco, “Ok, yes I can help!” Then I said, “let’s pray” and I hold out my hands, and right as Francisco is about to take my hands a man named Terry walks right up to me and I told him that we are about to pray, the Terry says “Ok”, and holds out his hands and Francisco tells him that we are going to pray in Spanish, and Terry replies, “Well then what are are we praying about?” I said, “a scooter” and Terry says, “yeah ok, got one.” So then I look at him somewhat unsure of his comment and Francisco asks, “a motor scooter?” and Terry says, “yep” and I was still unsure, so by the look on mine and Francisco’s faces Terry begins to describe it! And he tells us it’s plugged in, charged and ready to go!!!! And Francisco’s eyes fill with tears as his hands go up in amazement and we begin to rejoice. Then Terry and Francisco worked out the details and the scooter story is history!!!!!!!!

The thing that amazes me is the fraction of time that it takes for something to go unnoticed resulting in a missed opportunity to live out God’s good will towards all. That window in time is so critical that a step in the wrong direction could have caused hours and days of wasted time looking for a chair in the wrong places.

I am happy for Francisco, his friend and Terry as we all came together for this great blessing but the greatest blessing was the moment of realization that we all matter, and God wants us to care for one another.

4 responses to “Encouragement from Yucaipa CA”

  1. This is amazing! Totally has made my day! Thank you for sharing this! Please tell Frances she is my hero! Hope your all doing amazing!

  2. What a good reminder to see past the business of a day and look for what God is doing.

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