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Cusco, Peru March 2017

Of all the places I’ve been to this year I would say that Cusco Peru is one of the coolest cities ever. There are ancient ruins surrounding the city, and even inside the city. You can take a short hike from the city square and in a few minutes find yourself on one of the Inca trails.

On this trail you will find many different ruins of the old Incan people. There are foundations of homes still standing and huge temples all within walking distance. Most of them are free to enter and many are off the beaten path so you never know what you will find. Cusco is a great destination for anyone who loves ancient architecture and adventure.


Our ministry this month was an after school program called Club Corazon. The focus of the ministry was to gather all the children in the neighborhood and give them a safe place to hang out after school. Many children get into trouble at an early age. Giving them a safe place to go while there parents are at work is a great way to keep them off the streets. This facility was made to be a home away from home. Our job was to play with the children and be that example of love.

We would play puzzle games, soccer, foosball and volleyball. My favorite thing to do was grab the children and throw them into the air lol. They loved it!. The children trusted me so much. I would have a line of kids wanting to be launched up in the sky everyday. The only problem was that’s all the kids wanted to do. So I would make them answer a question from the Bible before I would throw them. When they didn’t know the answer I would give them a short bible lesson. I would always remind them how much they are loved. Writing about them now makes me miss them so much.

On one of our last days at Club Corazon Dara and I shared the story of how Jesus fed the 5,000. We told them that with 2 small fish and 5 loafs of bread Jesus fed over 15,000 people. And one of the first things Jesus did was ask God to bless the food. We told them that we can all talk with God. Not one person is too young or too old. Talking with God is just like talking with your parents or your friend. We wanted to show them that we can always talk with God. He is never too busy for us. He doesn’t have to take a break because He’s tired or hungry. Our God is always listening, always ready to answer, always ready to love. We can all ask God anything and He will hear us. They all listened and seemed to understand.

So the next thing we did was so awesome! We asked all the kids by a show of hands who had any pain in there little bodies. Almost all of them raised there hands. There were around 25 kids. So we told them just like the story with Jesus that God hears us. We asked the Lord to bring healing to all of them. After the prayer we asked who still had pain. All but three children were healed of all pain. They were so excited about what God had just done. They were pointing at old hurts and were in awe and joy of what had just happened. Then we had the three who were not healed come up on stage and had those who were healed pray for them. After the children prayed the three on stage were healed! A few of them began to cry because they didn’t understand why they were loved so much. Jesus is love and not one person can escape from His love. The Lord was able to heal 20 children through us then heal 3 more through the children. There are no limits with God. 

God never stops surprising me. There is always something to learn and someone to love. This year has been a life changing experience. I’ve learned who God says I am and the calling on my life. As I listen to the Lords voice I will be going back out on the mission field. This time I will lead a team in January to 4 countries bringing healing, life, love and truth through Jesus Christ.

I want to thank you all for your support! I couldn’t have done it without you. I am still in need of support for this next chapter. So if you could continue to lift me up in prayers and if you feel led donate to support me. Thank you.

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