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Hello everyone, as you all know I’m driving to Georgia. This is an update on where I’ve driven and some of the cool encounters I’ve had along the way. Enjoy 🙂 

Here’s what God did at a gas station. So I’m on my way to Nashville Tennessee and I’m passing through Madison Wisconsin. I’m traveling with my friend Matt. We stop to get gas and some water. While at the pump I noticed a car in front of me not starting. I could hear the owner turning the key but the car just would not start. I finished filling my gas tank and walked over to the vehicle. There were two women who seemed pretty stressed out. I asked if I could help. They said “YESSS PLEASE.” One of the women told me “we know nothing of cars.” So I looked around for anything disconnected or maybe broken. I didn’t see anything out of the ordinary. I tried to check the spark plugs but realized I didn’t have the tools for it. I was out of ideas and kinda scratching my head. I turned to God and prayed a simple prayer. “Jesus start this car” and I heard Matt doing the same. I asked Matt to try and start it again. And just like that God answered our prayers and the car started. I literally did nothing to the car. Actually what I tried to do I failed at because I didn’t have the tools. But God was there and He loves these two women. And of course He shows up when all our “tools” fail. Because our God is mighty and there will never be anything too big or too small where He won’t want to be with us.

My hope for that day is those two daughters of the King would remember they are never alone or forgotten. And I was reminded that instead of trying to “fix” everything with my knowledge and strength first turn to Him.

10 responses to “Coast to coast”

  1. Yep.

    Just. Like. That.

    You’re such a witness in our world’s wilderness and carry a deep humility that lets you see the wonder in the miracles of God’s love on display.

    Than you so much for sharing.

  2. God is so faithful. He hears every prayer and answers them. He just wants us to trust Him enough to ask him. Miss you already. I pray traveling mercy upon you. ????

  3. That’s awesome.
    I love how Jesus sets things up for us. Have a great time!

    Ps. Keep my car in your prayers, it is also not starting. I am praying for it.

    Pps Coming through Alabama?

  4. Thanks Matt, I love being able to share God with everyone. It’s really simple, we just have to step out.

  5. Yes Sherill He is always faithful. And He is always waiting and listening. Thank you so much for your prayers. I made it safely to Gainesville Georgia.

  6. Right! Jesus just sets us up so well. We just have to be willing. I’ll definitely be praying for your car or maybe a new one from the Lord 😉 And I did not go through Alabama but there is a possibility I’ll come through in January.

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